Bumper Stickers

Who you are is evident all around you. Your shirt, your Facebook page and even your car tells the world something about you. What does your car say about you? – An “L” plate says you are still learning and may drive slow.– A clean car may say you are tidy and organised, where a

Custom Stickers

Stickers are everywhere. Products, books, cars, phones etc. But amidst all the stickers on sale, sometimes you just can’t find what you want. Instead of spending hours searching for the right sticker/s, why not get exactly what you want and create your own? Stickers can be cheap when printed in bulk, on substandard material and

Inspirational Bumper Stickers

If you’re like most of us, you may know the frustration that can come when driving. People tailgating, speeding, distracted or driving too slow happens regardless of how well you drive. You may honk your horn, give a hand gesture or yell something out, but to what end? You may even have accidentally found yourself

Kids School Labels

Only those who have looked after children know the handful they can be at times. They are active and constantly on the go. It’s hard work. You invest so much time, money, and effort into them, but unfortunately, they do not always put in such care with their possessions. Belongings can easily be misplaced as

Name Label Stickers

All too often there is a lonely item left over that has been forgotten. Life continues on and things get lost. Even things as important as wallets and mobile phones can be lost and forgotten. While phone tracking and wallet’s usually contain some kind of id, not all our things can be so easily linked

Australia Return Address Labels

If you have ever had the experience of sending something in the post you will know the hassle of writing addresses. Not only do you have to worry about having the correct details you also have to make sure you can fit everything in the required space. Oh and then multiply the frustration for each

School Stickers Australia for Teachers

You may remember what it is like to be a child. There can be uncertainties in the learning processes of growing up, and they rely a lot on parents, teachers and family, even if they don’t realise it. The smallest of gestures can mean the world to them and can be a cherished memory that

Car Window Stickers

Who you are is evident all around you. Your shirt, your Facebook page and even your car tells the world something about you. What does your car say about you? – An “L” plate says you are still learning and may drive slow.– A clean car may say you are tidy and organised, where a

Scrapbook Stickers and Embellishments

When it comes to stickers for scrapbooking it is easy to start drowning in them. Walking through a store or browsing online can reveal seemingly great bargains but may not be the scrapbook stickers you need. On scrapbookingcoach.com, The number 1 tip is to avoid having sticker overload. Instead of having a boxes of cheap stickers

Registered Nurse Stickers Australia

Being admitted to hospital can be a disorienting experience. Patients, who were previously going about their day to day life, can suddenly find themselves in unfamiliar surroundings, struggling with their health. Being a nurse requires remarkable people skills to help struggling patients feel at ease and doctors to do the best job they can. Nurses can bring